Truity Career Interest Test- See exactly how to find a career you'll love by matching your personality, talents, and interests to real-life jobs
CareerOneStop Career Assessments - Taking an assessment can help you think about different career ideas. It can also help you decide which careers might fit you best.
Find Career Ideas Guide - Wondering what type of job would fit you best? Follow the steps in this guide to learn about your interests, skills, and work values, gather information about different career ideas, and choose a career direction.
ApprenticeshipFinder- is the one-stop source to connect career seekers, employers, and education partners with apprenticeship resources. Discover apprenticeships across industries, how programs are started by employers, and how to become an apprentice.
Job Corps - Job Corps is the nation’s largest free, residential career training and education program for low-income young adults ages 16 through 24.
Texas Career Check- A fun activity to do before exploring the world of work. Take a few minutes to answer 60 questions to identify occupations relevant to your likes and interests. Your results will lead you to a list of occupations for you to explore.
O*Net Online- A comprehensive web application for exploring the O*NET database. Occupation reports offer a range of information, from a broad overview to comprehensive detail on a specific subject.
U.S. Department of Education College Scoreboard - A useful tool to search and compare colleges by fields of study, costs, admissions and explore apprenticeships, careers, and training programs.
Quick Start Guide for Financial Aid Application Changes:
A new FAFSA means new terms to learn! Check out our Quick Start Guide for FAFSA Simplification that goes over the new terminology in the FAFSA and TASFA.
The following Better FAFSA Training Toolkit provides an abundance of resources that include slide decks, webinars, checklists, etc. to support everyone with the new application.
Lastly, the Federal Student Aid office created the following video playlists on YouTube:
Because we do not offer AP Courses, CLEP Exams seem to be the way to go in order to receive college credits and place out of introductory courses for a fraction of the cost of a college credit hour ($95!). Please review the resources below and know that I am happy to schedule phone calls or meet one to one if you'd like to discuss further.
What's the difference between AP and CLEP Exams? Information here
What can I test on? Because of our curriculum, my eyes were drawn to American History, Western Civilization, College Composition, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature, Humanities, etc. etc... entire list of options here. Keep in mind, scores range from 20-80 with 50 being the passing mark. The amount of credit hours per course depends on the school but you can receive from 3 to 12 college credit hours per exam passed. There is a retesting policy of three months but you are able to make multiple attempts on a subject.
Will my college give me credit on this topic? Use the blue button to search by location and confirm here.
Are there study materials that I can review? Yes, here!