To maximize the safety of your children on this campus, please communicate any absences due to illness, emergency, or other circumstances here.
Family Portal Login / FACTS / Report Cards
SMCS FACTS SIS / Renweb is our student management database. This is a portal used by both parents and students to access and monitor progress, track assignments to view grades. Please consider visiting frequently and keep your demographic information updated.
For questions about any of the of the following, please click here.
Dress Code, Uniform Policy & Stores
Bus Service
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Health Notes
Weather Procedures
Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM)
In an effort to protect our children, the Diocese of Austin MANDATES that all individuals who have contact with our children must be in compliance with the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry or EIM Policy, which equips each of us with the tools and knowledge to protect our children from possible abuse and perpetrators. Click here for more information.
Track it Forward
Track it Forward is the tool St. Mary's families will use to document and monitor service hours and commitment dollars. Volunteers can log hours via the web or mobile app, as well as track their progress and status here.
Other Important Resources
Parent/Student Education Purchase Program The Dell K-12 Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff may benefit from device and accessory discounts! We thank vendors like Dell for assisting our educational endeavors.
Catholic Schools: Diocese of Austin Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Austin is a community of parents, teachers and administrators, clergy and religious with values rooted in the Catholic Faith, all working together to provide our students with a strong foundation for life.
Common Sense Media Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.
GCF Global and GCF Learn Free: An introduction creates and provides quality, innovative online learning opportunities to anyone who wants to improve the technology, literacy and math skills needed to be successful in both work and life. Learn more at
Do you have a request, comment or idea you would like to recommend and support? Click our suggestion box below and let us know!